
Emotional Intelligence Test for All Age Groups

Welcome to the Emotional Intelligence Test. This test is designed to give you a quick snapshot of how well you understand and manage emotions—both your own and others.

Emotional Intelligence is crucial for Effective Communication, Empathy, Decision – Making and Overall Well-Being.

Please answer as honestly as possible, so you can get the most accurate results.


Rate each statement on a scale of 1 to 5, where:
1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neutral
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree

Please enter your email:

1. I am aware of my own emotions as they arise.


2. I often overlook or dismiss the feelings of others.


3. I am driven to continually improve myself and my skills.


4. I can put myself in someone else’s shoes and understand their perspective.


5. I can control my emotional reactions in stressful situations.


6. I tend to react impulsively when faced with emotional challenges.


7. I often find it difficult to identify how I’m feeling.


8. I am attentive to the emotions and needs of those around me.


9. I can easily recognize and understand the emotions of others.


10. I am compassionate and considerate of the feelings and experiences of others.


11. I am skilled at managing my stress levels and staying calm in difficult situations.


12. I often struggle to see situations from others’ viewpoints.


13. I am highly motivated to achieve my personal and professional goals.


14. I often struggle to find the motivation to pursue my objectives.


15. I am good at picking up on the emotions of others, even when they’re not explicitly expressed.